Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Would You Like Some Napa Valley Wine?

Take a peek at Napa Valley wineries. If you like Californian wines, here's your link to Napa Valley Wine. Yes, in the future I will publish a whole article on Californians and Napa Valley. Just give me some time and you'll see it here.

(Photo courtesy of Basheertome @ commons)

1 comment:

Luz said...

Tlaking about wines, last week at the Northwest Folklife Fest we had the pleasure to discover a exquisite MEAD or Honey wine that is a heavenly experience to enjoy! This is the information from their website

"HoneyRun Winery was founded in 1992 in Chico, CA, in a small canyon that is part of the Sierra Nevada Foothills. HoneyRun makes wonderful tasting, berry honeywines.

HoneyRun Winery's focus has always been two-fold. 1. Make tastey wine so that you want a whole glass and not just a thimble-full. 2. Make natural wine without sulfites, sorbates, or preservatives.

We can ship direct to 11 States, and can direct you to retailers who ship to 32 more States."

If you can get your hands on this wonderful wine I promise your will love it as much as I do.