Friday, October 23, 2009

Make This Drink yourself, Instead of the Bartender

Next Friday night. The most wanted day of the week. Decompress. Nice dinner. Nice drinks. Especially drinks. If you want to make a drink yourself, instead of the bartender, listen closely. This drink is extremely simple to prepare and fun to drink. This is one of the most common drinks in my homeland, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean in general. It's called the Cuba Libre and you can get one in about 1 minute, once you have everything, of course.

Here we go: take a handful of ice, put it in a glass. Add about 4 ounces of Bacardi or Palo Viejo rum, add about 8 ounces Coca Cola or Pepsi Cola, a slice of lime if you want, mix and you already have your drink for Friday night. If you are at home, put on some nice music, a good cigar, and then some very nice food. You are done for the night, my friend. I like to show really simple things here, because no one likes to wait too much for fun. Have fun.

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